Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ITOC: April 2014 Vlog

Transcript available in comments section below.

1. New website!  We want you to engage with us.

2. Interested in being a Region Representative for 1, 3, or 4? contact us!

3.  want to volunteer with ITOC for Region 1, 3, or 4 conferences? again, contact us.

4.  join our google group:


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  2. Transcript:
    Hi, my name is Stephanie Chao. I'm the Vice Chair for RID Member Section Interpreters and Transliterators of color (ITOC). We have a few announcements.

    First of all we want to let you know about our new website. Periodically throughout the year we will be posting vlogs for discussion. Please add your comments to the discussions that will take place. You can also click on the ITOC Council tab and find the email addresses for all of the council members if you need to get in contact with us. The url for our website is

    Also, we are still conducting a search to fill the vacant region representative positions. Currently we need representatives for regions 1, 3 & 4. If you're interested you can contact any of the ITOC council members or I can be reached directly through email address:

    This year RID has its regional conferences scheduled. However due to the vacancies mentioned in Regions 1, 3 & 4 we need you to serve as a volunteer moderator for ITOC. ITOC will be hosting workshops and/or forums and we need individuals willing to help setup, to do the introduction, and to help guide discussion. We will support you and provide you with all of the information necessary. Please let us know if you are interested.

    Finally, the Yahoo Group is no longer being utilized. We have completed the migration to Google Groups. Under this vlog you will find a link that you can use to email us and express your interest in joining the Google Group. Or you can email us directly and we will be happy to add you.

    That’s all for now have a wonderful day and look forward to the next vlog coming in May.
