A quick update for you all on the new council nominations, outstanding service award, and the ITOC MS meeting time at the LEAD conference.
First, the council nominations. We have only received one council nomination. Please consider getting involved with RID and ITOC. Reach out to colleagues who are passionate about seeing change in this field. We need to have representation in RID. We are leaving the call for nominations (self-nominations are welcome!) open until 7/23. Part of our agenda at the conference meeting will be to determine the new ITOC council. Fill out the Google form or reply to me (itoc.chair@gmail.com).
Second, we have received two nominations for the ITOC outstanding service award. One of the nominations is Dr. Leandra Williams, who was the recipient of this award in 2015. As much as she does deserve to win this award over and over, we'd love to see others also be recognized for their work in the community as well. I know there are many of you who have worked tirelessly to improve our field. We are also accepting posthumous nominations. Continue to send names of people you'd like to see recognize to the google form or reply to me (itoc.chair@gmail.com).
Our ITOC member section meeting at the conference will be held Sunday, July 23, 5:30-7 at Salon 1. We will try to Facebook live the meeting for those who would like to join remotely.
Thanks for reading. Nominate people for all the things! and see you at the conference. There is still space for those who are on the fence about going.
We haven't gotten a ton of nominations for the ITOC Outstanding Leadership Award or any nominations for the next ITOC council. Please nominate yourself or someone you know and pass on the links. Or you can email your nomination to itoc.chair@gmail.com.
Transcript: Hi. I am Michon, vice chair for ITOC. We have some great news. We are now accepting nominations for the new council. We have 3 positions available: ITOC Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. Please see our website to find the form to fill out the nominations. We will be closing nominations on May 26. During the week of June 5, we will open it up to members to vote for about 4 weeks. Once we get the votes in, we will announce to you our new Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. Thank you and see you soon.
Please nominate those you would be a great addition to the ITOC team, so ITOC can continue function for the membership.
Enter your nominations onthis google form. More information about each role can be found on the intro of the google form.
Hello! My name is Joe Toledo representing ITOC, Interpreter and transliterator of Color Member Section. I am here to share about our Leadership Award. We want to honor those who have made a huge impact in our community. We ask you to nominate those who have contributed to this community of interpreters of color, the Deaf community of color, RID, and etc. Add your nominees to this google form before May 31st. We look forward to receiving your nominations. Thanks!
Again, We want to honor those interpreters of color (Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing) who have made a difference in our field. Tell us why they should be recognized. What type of contributions have they made to their community (This may be volunteer service at the local, regional, or national level. It could be educational achievements that aim to advance the interpreting profession overall or specifically for interpreters of color. Or, something else not listed here that is worthy of recognition).
Send us your nominations by May 31, 2017 via this google form: CLICK HERE
If you haven't already entered the lottery for the RID conference in Salt Lake City this summer, I want encourage you all to think about it. Presenter bios are starting to be posted on the conference website. I heard that most of the presenters for the leadership track are presenters of color with a variety of intersectional backgrounds. This conference will be very different than past conferences, and I hope to see many of you there!
2017 LEAD Together Conference: General Lottery Announcement
Register now through March 31st
General Lottery:
We are pleased to announce that the General Lottery for the Leadership and Skills tracks for the 2017 LEAD Together conference is now open!
The 2017 LEAD Together conference is different as compared to the previous registration process. The basis of the lottery provides members an opportunity to secure a registration slot and then have a period of time to pay for the cost of registration.
How it works:
Simply fill out the online form anytime between March 1-31st. When registering, members can only select to be included into the lottery for either the Leadership OR Skills track---not both!
After the lottery closes, all names will be placed into a system which will automatically randomize the order of the names and assign a number. The number represents the member’s place in the registration queue. The first 400 members (200 Leadership and 200 Skills) on the list will be notified via email no later than April 10th. Members then will have from April 10 -28th to pay the $425.00 registration fee. If payment is not received by April 28th, the member forfeits their registration slot and it will be given to the next member on the randomized list. The process will be repeated until all of the 400 lottery slots are filled.
During 2016, the National Interpreter Education Center (NIEC) conducted a series of 5 interpreter practitioner focus groups. The findings from each group are now available. These reports outline challenges faced by interpreters working in our field today and their experiences in interpreter education programs. Interpreters and educators alike will find these reports provide unique perspectives that reflect the changing dynamics facing us today. Please share this information with your colleagues.
These are the final publications prepared by the NIEC as our federal funding ended as of September 30, 2016. It was the mission of the NIEC and the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers to explore the state of the art of interpreting and offer resources to practitioners and educators between the years of 2005 and 2016. We hope that these reports will provide insight into the current challenges facing many interpreters and foster new approaches for the future.